May 25-June 13
Loads of things happened.
Finished/polished up ShortUrl. Pending review. Would go into not just tawiki, but possibly all wmf wikis. YAY!
Moved to a dual monitor setup. Dual 23″ Monitors, one Samsung LED and one Acer LCD. Also moved to 8G of RAM. VMs are much less painful now.
Did a few back/forths with the GSoC extension architecture. It’s still blocking, so working with the non-blocking parts of GSoC now.
Moved to bangalore, atleast temperoarily for now.
Did a tiny bit of work for a friend organizing MP3s with a script. Was fun, operating at that scale. Helped me get back in touch with bash/awk etc.
Rooted/Flashed my Galaxy 3 with a custom ROM. SO MUCH FRIGGIN BETTER, WHY DID I NOT DO THIS BEFORE? The audio is now atleast a few orders of magnitude better.
Moved blog to wordpress. Archived the HiSlain project.
Got my camera. Need to postprocess more. But still :D
May 25
Put in a lot of effort into ShortUrl. Want to finish it up and push it to prod before ‘leaving’. Also learnt a bit more vimfoo. Moved it to svn and got it ready in translatewiki
May 17-24
Nothing positive done. Whatsoever. At all. Exams done, yeah. That’s about it.
May 16
Some TwitterBots work. Increased vim-fu a bit more. Got started on interviewStreet.
Also some work done on new version of ShortURL extension.
May 13-15
Talked out with mentor about components in my GSoC. Got toolserver account. More work on MarathonSin – @ssnbot now runs on it. Moved them all to a server. Increased my vim-fu a bit. Released 2 new versions of yenWikipedia, using a cache to reduce network traffic.
Still not productive enough. The number of Commits I’m doing per day is at an all time low…
May 12-13
Wrote MarathonSin (Declarative Twitter Bots) to keep myself awake. Started on the detailed plans for Mediawiki GSoC.
May 10-11
Nothing got done for last 3 days. Tried resetting sleep cycle twice, failed.
Did some SICP exercises. Whiteboarded components for GSoC. Nothing much. Sigh.
May 9
Reasonably productive day.
Finished PoC. Talked about bringing back ShortUrl Development. Started doing design work for rest of GSoC project. Read up on MySQL a bit more.
The other thing is coming along nicely too.
May 8
Not very productive day again.
Wrote sql for PoC. Read up on the db functions. Looks like I’ll be done with the PoC by monday.
Went on a Star Trek mini-binge. Tapestry was incredibly timely, even more than usual. Ended with me laughing alongside Picard when he gets finally stabbed. I think I made the right decision :)
May 7
Half of PoC is done. Calling it GPoC. Went off to sleep, but couldn’t so came back and worked. Feels good.
Have a basic extension. Figured out that I can’t just grab a preprocessed DOM off any hook. Need to work that out, but since this is just a ‘Proof of Concept’, I can get away with just running preprocess again. Also investigated the Job Queue and the data table update stuff.
Helped out @msnarain with the #goldenrulesofchennai bit. Wrote code to retreive more tweets further back out.
May 6
Need to break free. Not productive much. Got started on PoC. Ran around trying to get myself camera. Failed.
Helped msnarain with some ‘goldenrulesofchennai’ bits. Let’s see how that works out.
Three days of failure in one day.
Ah, took heart after that, sketched out plan for completing PoC. Looks like one – two days work to me now. Let’s see :)
May 5
Again, not much code. Slight work on More progress on planning for PoC. Turns out I don’t have much of a chance making it to Israel. Sigh.
Again, not a very productive day.
May 4
Nice productive discussions with rkirti about various issues. Thanks for doing that :)
Started writing design docs for my GSoC Project. Need to codename that.
Unproductive day code wise.
May 3
My Language Wikipedia works on DuckDuckGo standard. Had given up getting it to work, but the DDG guys pinged me on twitter about it and I had to respect that, no?
My pull req for opensearch module was accepted. Yay.
Made Built a very very tiny static generator that generates it. Deployed it. Tried compass/sass, but in the end came back to plain blueprint+CSS.
Got Ubuntu+Unity and Win7+Photoshop+Fireworks to work under Virtualbox. Yay! Fixed hard disk too.
May 2
Started talking to awjr about beginning GSoC work. My prelim work starts tomorrow, with a Proof of Concept.
Started work on making My Language Wikipedia work on as well.
Also started work on transliterated search for wikipedia. Fundamental ideas are in place.
Made a commit + pull req for opensearch python module, to let it support setting useragent (since wikipedia will 403 you if you don’t identify yourself)
Met vimzard, sujeet, kashyap and others today. Was fun. vimzard has grown taller.
May 1
Made two releases of My Language Wikipedia extension (formerly yenWikipedia). Works in Google Instant, and Options page auto opens now.
Did some brainfuck related language work. Should complete those soon.
Bought a new domain ( Should build/launch it soon.