I’ve unfollowed everyone I follow on Twitter, and am slowly starting back up from scratch. I’m only going to follow people who are:

  1. Underrepresented people in Tech (as broadly construed)
  2. Journalists

And that’s it. I’ll follow back friends I’m not otherwise in contact with as well, but might take a while.

I’ve had this for a few days and am already enjoying using it far more than I did before. A lot of the people I’m following now I did not know before, and the vibe is totally different. I’m able to understand and appreciate things I was not able to before. I know this is a bubble, but it is certainly a different bubble than the one I was in before. Bubbles also intersect - I’ve interactions with other types of people elsewhere, just not on Twitter.

If I unfollowed you, don’t take it personally! DM me for a phone number you can use for Signal / WhatsApp / Telegram - that’s how 90% of my social activities seem to happen these days anyway.

h/t to Jorm for the idea of targetted following!

Update: I’ve also setup LeechBlock to only allow me 5mins of Twitter every 2h, and I don’t have the twitter app on my phone. I wish there was a leechblock type thing for my Phone tho.