
  • Moved labsbooks (described in yesterday’s devlog) to use a shared readonly IPython virtualenv maintained by me. Also installed a bunch of modules people might want to use (SciPy, NumPy, Pandas, PyTables, matplotlib). Am considering just installing IPython notebook globally via puppet and using that, since that’ll enable users to just use the system packages. However, the version of IPython notebook from Ubuntu is ancient, so that’s probably a non-starter.
  • Have a basic version of the IPython publishing process working! Any toollabs user can create a notebook by:
    • Creating a ~/notebooks folder
    • Doing a chmod +x ~/notebooks
    • Doing a chmod +x ~
    • Putting IPython notebooks into ~/notebooks (as .ipynb) files
    • Going to https://tools.wmflabs.org/notebooks/<user-shell-name>/<path-to-ipynb-file> Will have to do a bit more work before it can be considered ‘production grade’ (such as user pages, a nicer theme, etc, etc) BUT YAY GOOD START. It already caches the html output in Redis and invalidates with the mtime of the file, so should be pretty quick.
  • Made the ssh tunneling process for labsbooks purely python, without requiring the ProxyCommand. This makes things simpler (and more portable!). I’ll need to work on securing this properly before I can publish it for broader use.
  • Wrote an email to the analytics mailing list about making public the ‘edits per country’ data. I hope to make this publicly available with enough granularity that not just me but others can use this for fun research as well.

I’ve been using Atom for puppet stuff, PyCharm for Python and IntelliJ for Java stuff, and that seems to be doing ok. They all have decent Vim keybindings as well, and good replacements for other functionality – and I might stick with Atom for a while to see how it goes :)